Five Free Alternatives to Grammarly

Writing in English can be a fantastic journey, but sometimes pesky typos and grammar mistakes can show up uninvited. These errors can make your message unclear and leave readers confused. The popular tool Grammarly can be a great solution, but it can come with a cost. Here’s the good news: there are many effective and free alternatives to Grammarly available in 2024!

This blog post explores five fantastic options that can help you write with confidence and polish your English skills. We’ll focus on user-friendly tools with clear explanations, so you can improve your writing without getting bogged down by technical terms. Let’s dive in and discover the perfect grammar checker for you!

Hemingway App

  • Struggling with overly complex sentences? Hemingway App comes to the rescue! This online tool focuses on making your writing clear and concise.
  • It highlights long sentences and suggests simpler alternatives, helping you express your ideas in a way that’s easy to understand.
  • Unlike Grammarly, which focuses on all grammar rules, Hemingway prioritizes readability. This makes it ideal for anyone who wants to write clear and impactful English, especially for emails, social media posts, or blog articles.
  • The clean interface makes it a breeze to use, so you can focus on crafting your message with confidence.
  • The best part? It’s completely free, allowing you to polish your writing without breaking the bank!


  • ProWritingAid goes way beyond basic grammar checks! Think of it as a grammar ninja with hidden superpowers.
  • It tackles typos and punctuation mistakes, sure, but it also hunts down sneaky advanced errors you might miss.
  • If passive voice creeps into your writing, ProWritingAid will point it out. If you are accidentally repeating the same phrases over and over, ProWritingAid can catch that too!
  • Plus, it goes a step further by suggesting ways to improve your sentence flow and style, making your writing sound smooth and professional.
  • Unlike the limited free version of Grammarly, ProWritingAid offers a generous range of these advanced features in their free tier. This makes it a fantastic option for anyone who wants to take their writing to the next level, for free!


  • LanguageTool is a lifesaver for writers on the go. Unlike some checkers limited to desktops, it works seamlessly across platforms.
  • Whether you’re crafting an email on your phone, editing a document on your laptop, or composing a social media post on your tablet, LanguageTool ensures your writing is error-free.
  • Beyond basic typos and punctuation, LanguageTool helps you avoid awkward phrasing and repetitive sentence structures.
  • It even offers suggestions to improve sentence clarity and style, making your writing more impactful.
  • LanguageTool allows you to write with confidence on any device, and in multiple languages, making it one of the best free alternatives to Grammarly.

After the Deadline

  • After the Deadline seamlessly integrates with your browser to provide you with an on-the-gogrammar checking option, so you can polish your text content anywhere.
  • Compared to Grammarly’s basic error highlighting, After the Deadline is an option that flags sneaky mistakes (for example, ‘affect’ vs. ‘effect’) based upon the context of your writing. Moreover, this helpful extension notifies you about any redundant use of passive voice which might weaken your content.
  • After the Deadline even analyzes your writing style and sentence structure. It suggests ways to make it more engaging and impactful for your target audience.
  • Additionally, After the Deadline helps you check and keep unintentional plagiarism within your control, while remaining completely free!
  • Despite not being actively maintained anymore or providing hosted services, it is an open-source tool, and you can download the code to host your own server.

Slick Write

  • Slick Write offers a deeper analysis for writers who crave precision. Forget just catching typos – Slick Write delves into your writing style. It’ll suggest improvements for sentence structure, word choice, and overall clarity.
  • Think of it as a grammar wizard and flow fixer in one! It identifies overly complex sentences and suggests ways to simplify them, while also highlighting awkward phrasing and recommending revisions for smoother flow.
  • Plus, it acts as a repetition radar, flagging repetitive words and phrases that can weaken your writing.
  • You’re offered all these features for free, making Slick Write a compelling alternative to Grammarly for those who want to go beyond basic grammar checks.


There you have it! While it might be a popular choice, these free alternatives to Grammarly offer a wealth of features to elevate your writing game. Whether you crave crystal-clear sentences (Hemingway App) or miss those sneaky grammar gremlins (ProWritingAid), there’s a perfect fit for you.

Remember, the best grammar checker is the one that complements your writing style and needs. So, experiment, explore these free options, and discover the magic of writing with confidence – no more red squiggly lines to stress you out!
